Brian Atkinson performs a comedy show with The Comedian Company at the Avenue West Cobb, in Marietta, Georgia, Friday, October 20.
Brian Atkinson
He’s not a serial killer next door, but he played one on TV. Brian Atkinson is a comedian, an all-around nice guy, and a horrible person. His good-guy persona gives way to surprising twists to keep you laughing. While his voice might be the first thing you notice, his confidence, and engaging storytelling will keep you coming back. Brian is a 2023 World Series of Comedy Wildcard 1st Place Winner and has provided voices for PBS Kids while also appearing in a Lifetime Movie Network movie, as a serial killer, in the same studio, on the same day. Brian Atkinson makes jokes, but only the finest artisan, hand-crafted, farm-to-table-saw jokes.
The Avenue West Cobb - Comedy Nights
Kick off your weekend in a great mood! Come out for Comedy Nights select Fridays through October! Bring your friends, tailgate chair, sense of humor.
The Avenue West Cobb
3625 Dallas Highway
Marietta, GA 30064
Location: The Green located between GameStop and Seasonal Designs
Audience: PG-13+
Brian Atkinson is a Comedian
Brian’s sharp and smart comedic style has been a hit at clubs, contests, corporate events, churches, fundraisers, and festivals across the country. He has a hilarious professional touch that’s a perfect fit – without being offensive. Brian never uses profanity, discusses politics, or suggestive content. Brian Atkinson’s comedy is so funny, you won’t even notice he’s working clean. He’s more than a nightclub comedian trying to watch his language.
Booking a comedy show with Brian is easy. If you have access to a social hall, church, or country club, Brian will work with you to set up your event and guide you to give your audience the best possible experience. Whether it's a solo show or a showcase with multiple comedians, Brian Atkinson can produce a comedy show that you'll love and brag about later.
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The Comedian Company
The Comedian Company Has Affordable Local and National Comedians For Your Next Event. The Comedian Company is the largest comedian booking agency and we want to help you hire a comedian for an event. Whether you want a Clean Comedian, R-Rated Comedian, or someone in the middle – We will help you hire the right comedian. We’ll even email you sample videos to choose from before you book. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a big city or a small town we have comedians in your area! With over 2,000 local and national comedians we for sure have the right comedians for you. Call or email us and one of our friendly and knowledgeable agents will go over all the details. We make hiring a comedian easy!