Brian Atkinson is performing a comedy show with Dan Brittain at Whole Hearted Winery on Saturday, April 22, 2023 - 2 shows 6:30pm and 8:45pm. Hosted by Sara Young! Both shows are sold out!
Brian Atkinson
Brian Atkinson is a comedian and all-around nice guy and a horrible person. His good-guy persona gives way to surprising twists to keep you laughing. While his voice might be the first thing you notice, his confidence, and engaging storytelling will keep you coming back. Brian has provided voices for PBS Kids while also appearing in a Lifetime Movie Network movie, as a serial killer, in the same studio, on the same day. Brian Atkinson makes jokes, but only the finest artisan, hand-crafted, farm-to-table-saw jokes.
Brian Atkinson
There are only 3 (THREE) tickets left for the early show and 11 tickets left for the late show of Grapes of Laugh at Whole Hearted Winery on April 22nd.
Whole Hearted Winery is a special place. The owners, Dan and Brenda Weiand, have a charity just up the road where they have a warehouse. They receive weekly product from Bed, Bath and Beyond, Lowes, and Home depot. So they have pretty much everything that these stores carry in limited stock. And here's the kicker.... it's all free. Totally pay it forward. So if you need something, or you know of someone needing something, you just contact Dan and it's yours. You just can't take it for resale. And to fund this, Whole Hearted Winery opened its doors in September 2019. A dollar from each bottle sold goes towards their charity. The shows will be held upstairs above their new tasting room that just opened right before Christmas 2021.
Whole Hearted Winery
56808 Grand River Ave building A
New Hudson, MI 48165