Brian Atkinson performs at the Ambrosia Theater in Grand Rapids, MI opening for TMo B Redikulus, on Saturday, August 28 - 2 shows at 8 and 10pm.
Vax-up, Mask-up, Show-up!
General Admission $20 - Tickets
Seating limited to the first 70 persons
Showtimes are 8pm & 10pm.
Doors open 30 minutes prior to showtimes!
See the Facebook Event for more!
Brian Atkinson
Brian Atkinson is an all-around nice guy, and a horrible person. Brian makes jokes, but only the finest artisan, hand-crafted, farm-to-table-saw jokes.
TMo B Redikulus
TMo B Redikulus, born Terrance Moore, is an Atlanta Georgia based comic, who has performed alongside National acts such as Kevin Hart, Spanky Hayes, Gary Owen, and many more! With over 15 years in the business, TMo brings high energy and a ton of laughs to the stage, as he jokes about life, growing up in the hood, dealing with white folks in the suburbs, and raising children while co parenting!
Ambrosia Theater
Upstairs at the corner of Lake and Diamond
959 Lake Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
8:00pm and 10pm Shows
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Each and Every Saturday! The Ambrosia Theater showcases up and coming comedians from around the globe (mainly Michigan). Providing a platform for artists to get their name, following, and recognition up! These intimate shows are super entertaining, and the talent is impeccable! A new lineup every week.