Brian Atkinson at a Clean Comedy Time show at Transformation Life Church on Sunday night, April 25 with Robert G. Lee, Rhonda Corey, Evan Tarence, and hosted by Aaron Sorrels.
Transformation Life Church
2620 McLaughlin Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49442
Doors Open at 5:30pm
Show Time is 6:00
Free to the Transformation Life Church community
Do you want to laugh without the risk of offensive language or topics? If so, join a diverse group of Clean Comedy Time comedians as we laugh together! Hosted by Aaron Sorrels, this will be a fun filled night of clean comedy intended for adults.
A night of good, clean fun with four standup comedians:
Robert G. Lee - Robert's been warming up audiences for Hollywood’s top sitcoms for three decades! This funny man has written punchlines for Veggie Tales, directed a faith-based movie, written a book, just released his DryBar comedy special and is heard thousands of times each month on Sirius radio!
Rhonda Corey - Winner of the Clean Comedy Challenge 2018 and producer and host of the Live Stream sensation Talk is Cheap.
Evan Tarence - He’s a Grand Rapids, MI native who thinks preachers kids (PK's) are just like regular kids... or are they?
Aaron Sorrels — Known as The Unemployed Alcoholic, Aaron helps people laugh while sharing his funny story of recovery, faith and finding purpose.